Next time one of my friends stays over, we're stocking up on Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey. And Starbucks' Chocolate Mocha Chip.
Jun. 20, 2002 at 7:56 pm

Last night, Heather stayed over at my house. We stayed up the entire night and watched what little porn was on until about three AM, when we watched But I'm a Cheerleader (which is a pretty good movie, even if it does have too goddamn much pink). At about five AM, we watched Kipper, a British show about two dogs and two pigs. So much of what they say is sexual innuendo!! It's so goddamn funny!!! Then we watched every single Johnny Depp movie in my house, which, sadly, consists of Edward Scissorhands and Benny and Joon. I fell asleep for the last hour of Benny and Joon, and later, my dad made fun of me for it. Then we played video games, but I went to sleep before anyone besides Moo woke up.


Last five
Farewell! at 3:57 pm, Jul. 01, 2005
urf. at 10:33 am, May. 03, 2005
Trainwreck lady. at 10:16 am, May. 03, 2005
gvf hbb jnghvbh jlkm jhfgcc at 9:42 am, May. 03, 2005
My Dland is my dream journal now. at 8:43 am, Mar. 25, 2005
