I don't even know JRu's little brother's name...
Jul. 18, 2004 at 2:09 pm

Last night (well, actually, this morning... about 11 or so), I had a most bizarre dream. I was at some sort of fairgrounds, just a large, open, grassy (and somewhat hilly) area with an amphitheatre thing off to one side (upon waking, it actually reminded me of Hermann Park), and there was some sort of, well, fair going on. I forget exactly what we were supposed to be celebrating, because I didn't feel any sense of a holiday or anything. At the amphitheatre, I was apparently in a band, and I was the lead singer, and Chris was the bassist, and I think a couple of other people I know were in there, too. So we're set to perform a song about drag queens, and the last line is something about, "...and the home of the queens...." or something like that, and at the beginning of the dream, we performed it once, but toward the end, when we had to perform a second time, I couldn't remember the words, the tune, anything, so I asked Chris what song we were doing, and he told me the last line. So it's a little while to the second show, and I'm standing on the wings of the stage (stage right, I remember), and everyone involved with the show is watching this documentary thing about some Disney animator, and so this guy who resembles JRu's little brother walks up to me and wraps his arms around me, and I barely notice at all, and then he starts kissing me on the cheek, and I'm thinking, "um... maybe I should tell him to stop. I mean, I do have a boyfriend, and I don't want him to think I'm leading him on," so I told him I've got a boyfriend, and he's like, "Oh," and walks off. I also remember that Larry was there in some capacity, I guess he was the light tech or something. And I suppose I must give kudos to the dream version of Larry, as he did a damn good job with those lights... which were, as are many stage lights in my dreams, mainly gold.

Yeah. Weird.


Last five
Farewell! at 3:57 pm, Jul. 01, 2005
urf. at 10:33 am, May. 03, 2005
Trainwreck lady. at 10:16 am, May. 03, 2005
gvf hbb jnghvbh jlkm jhfgcc at 9:42 am, May. 03, 2005
My Dland is my dream journal now. at 8:43 am, Mar. 25, 2005
