Sue�os Espa�oles, indeed!
Jul. 21, 2004 at 8:34 am

I had a dream last night that someone, who Lindsy assumed to be Pru, spanked and paddled me in my sleep and put gauze in my mouth, and Lindsy and I were talking about it over some weed (wtf?), and apparently, it'd happened to her, too. So we set up a trap to catch her, and I wrote a note about how the stuff I say and write and do may be sexually charged, hell, even a little kinky, but that doesn't mean I'm amoral, but I don't think the person (I never proved conclusivly who it was) ever got to read it, because as soon as I saw them, I pushed them down, filled them with water like a giant black balloon, perhaps one that was just a bit too far stretched, and Doo was telling me all sorts of ways to torture them, but I just threw them around out in the front yard until they popped (because by this point, all they were was a big black water balloon), and for some reason, it was okay to kill them if I screamed before I took them out of the house. And I remember, for some reason, we named this balloon/intruder some female name that began with an M. It was getting difficult to pop her, when I decided to tie her to the back of a Mexican taxi that always passed by every morning, and so my dad was like, "Finding it difficult to pop 'em? Well, just tie 'em to the back of that Mexican taxi!" and I was like, "um, that's what I did..." and he goes off in a story about the time he went to Cancun (even though the prince of Spain was in the story, and the language everyone was speaking sounded rather like Italian), and he was in this bubble with the prince of Spain (and even in the dream I forgot it was Cancun, I thought it was Spain), and the prince didn't like him one bit, and he could tell, and the prince was going to detain him, so he pretended like he shot the prince so he could escape in the ensuing chaos, and he did, and he passed by a reporter on her cell phone saying, "I don't know what's going on. I think the prince of Spain's been shot or something." And I think that's just about where I woke up.


Last five
Farewell! at 3:57 pm, Jul. 01, 2005
urf. at 10:33 am, May. 03, 2005
Trainwreck lady. at 10:16 am, May. 03, 2005
gvf hbb jnghvbh jlkm jhfgcc at 9:42 am, May. 03, 2005
My Dland is my dream journal now. at 8:43 am, Mar. 25, 2005
