The current state of Brie's mind
Aug. 09, 2004 at 3:41 am

I am going to spend as much as possible of my last four days of summer SLEEPING.

In other news, mi novio proposed to me yesterday. I've not given him any specific answer yet, but thinking about the potential futures amuses me. For example, I imagined Cera being at our Vegas wedding (maid of honor?), making a speech about how she thought I'd be the very last one of the lot of us to tie the knot. Or sitting out in the VIP section at the Olympic Games, watching him (he wants to be an Olympic archer, which I think is positively awesome). Or any number of other things. My mind is having fun with the idea, or at least half of it is. The other half is thinking something to the effect of, "I'd already feel so terrible if I ever broke his heart, do I really need to add an engagement into the mix? It's not quite necessary at this moment anyway, you know." So I dunno.

Current music: Savage Garden- "I Knew I Loved You"


Last five
Farewell! at 3:57 pm, Jul. 01, 2005
urf. at 10:33 am, May. 03, 2005
Trainwreck lady. at 10:16 am, May. 03, 2005
gvf hbb jnghvbh jlkm jhfgcc at 9:42 am, May. 03, 2005
My Dland is my dream journal now. at 8:43 am, Mar. 25, 2005
