[I had to laugh at that.]
[Thinking about the future]
[Tootsie pops]
[Conversation with DK]
[Ooh, barracuda!]
[And now, for your random innuendo of the day!]
[Bill Nye, I never knew you were into that kind of thing...]
[There are so many things wrong with that, I can't even address them all.]
[Trapeze artists]
[I don't know much about cars, but...]
[*grin* I wrote a poem!]
[Rainy day]
[Uhm... Just random thoughts]
[Monacan army]
[Potty break]
[Giant chicken]
[Three hours driving, three hours at the hospital.]
[Confectionary treat]
[a /little]
[Hey kids, let's go on an ego trip!]
[Die Eier von Satan]
[Advice of the day.]
[bleh. Writiers' block.]
[Filler entry]
[Pube shaver]
[Don't read this if you have a high opinion of me and intend to keep it.]
[And would he get road rage?]
[Still am, actually.]
[I PAID ATTENTION in 7th grade history class! Woo!]
[quote day]
[Well, John doesn't think it's impressive, but he can do it, so he doesn't count.]
[Salud por el corazon.]
[Dr. Atkins]
[Colonic parasites. I could make a joke, but I'd rather not suffer the backlash.]
[If you don't, there's something wrong with you]
[Hell's head accountant]
[And not the fuzzy afros, either. The ones that look like they've got a helmet on.]
[cool lunchbox]
[First day.]
[Hold my calls, Darlene!]
[Mexican restaurant]
[I hope my mom sees it first.]
[Whee! Free college, ahoy!]
[Except for this one.]
[I've checked.]
[And now, time for some well-deserved rest.]
[Like a fruitstand in October]
[four things]
[False alarm]
[Crazy old men.]
[I'm so excited!]
[No more evil layouts for me!]
[I don't want to do any more layouts.]
[This Grrness list is just getting longer and longer...]
[Guess what I'm listening to.]
[Shame on Dos-Dobleuves.]
[Another haiku]
[I want my MASH, damnit! And I want it in correct color, with correct brightness, without any screen jumping!]
[Icy shower]
[16 down, 8 to go]
[Chihuahua haiku]
[Crayons and spoon]
[For all the Blogathoners out there]
[Blood flow]
[Keep it up!]
[Cramped style]
[Laze away your days, oh boy!]
[God, it's 7 already?]
[Oh NOOOO!!]
[6-week-report card]
[Not that inspired.]
[24 hours]
[Kenji's gonna have to reach through the screen and slap me at least once or twice to wake me up XD]
[Not my fault! Act of god, act of god!]
[Lost and found]
[Turtle love]
[SNL is strangely stupidfunny.]
[Bread pet peeve]
[Am I developing a theme, here?]
[Sera dificil]
[I would make a biting comment here, but I'll refrain, since I have no interest in a fight right now.]
[Because haiku are fast and easy and impress English teachers]
[Night owls]
[A horse is a horse, of course, of course]
[The International Channel is weird.]
[Now, that's a horriblie joke!]
[Blogathon sponsor-beg]
[Interchangeable heads]
[It really only works if you say it out loud.]
[Abusive diary]
[Congrats for him! *tosses confetti*]
[truth, justice, and American cheese.]
[What a trip.]
[Long weekend]
[Don't think about it.]
[And you know what else bothers me? Really, really hyped-up, big budget movies....]
[Umm.... scary, scary babies.]
[Suck on that.]
[ten hundred]
[Songs in diaries]
[Hm. I wasn't expecting that.]
[Palm Tree]
[I swear to God, this is exactly what she said.]
[Genius idiot philosopher.]
[Mmm, baguettes...ow, my teeth]
[Your throat can only close so far, y'know?]
[Sweet, sweet sarcasm.]
[Not that I don't think it's wrong, but he's no worse than any other world leaders.]
[I also went for a walk in the Montrose wearing my bi pride t-shirt.]
[How the fuck do you think I feel, since I'm here!?]
[The adventures of Nairton Nopecs!]
[Maybe I should start a design critiquing thingie.]
[sleep is a weird word.]
[Not just a crappy sandwich shop anymore....okay, that was a dumb title.]
[Pictures/Concert pet peeve]
[Two eyeballs times five people. Duhr.]
[One part's been done to death, the other would get you shot by Mao ZeDubya's private firing squad.]
[Friday night]
[You think Sammy is Andrew's 'better half'?]
[Fuck yeah, fucken imperialist bastards! How ya like them apples!?]
[Interesting day. How weird.]
[pissing me off]
[this is the first time I've been home in almost 40 hours.]
[Miami and Ellis Island]
[blue carrots]
[nerve agency]
[Fuck American Idol. Go see a trannie show.]
[Funny. Random, but funny]
[Invitation to talk.]
[Sagging cieling]
[Exercise in word rythym]
[Despite this, Fabian's grown a lot]
[We would be nothing without the bounty of the earth.]
[Willpower, anyone?]
[Nope, no X-tians here!]
[Ah, me.]
[Unexplainable entry]
["Look, guys, I brought my cow to school to show you all how well I can stick my fist up her ass!"]
[My tummy hurts]
[Note to self:]
[Not in her darkest dreams]
[museum confusion]
[And that's all I have to say on the matter.]
[gross thought]
['Self' is a pissy word, like 'only'.]
[Nor do I plan to.]
[Mom! There's a hair in my cereal!]
[France, Russia, Germany]
[Not dead yet.]
[Holy shit, man]
[Random thought.]
[Grrr. Fucken Pepper-Anne.]
[Aw, Texas!]
["You just made my day!"]
[I shouldn't've even asked.]
[AIM conversation with Moo]
[Thanks, Grandma]
[Well, um, duh.]
["Do you need some throat spray, Miss Joplin?"]
[I'll probably never finish the painting.]
[A couple could care less whether we do it at all.]
[America the Pissant]
[Ah, repression.]
[I can just see the Taiwanese sweatshop kids giggling.]
[Au francais...]
[No more foetuses!]
[Brief thoughts on war.]
[Prescription nanny]
[Start walkin', girlie.]
[Oppose abortion: Support gay sex!]
[So I noticed.]
[Mmm. Comic books.]
[Rosie O'Donnel scares me.]
[Bush can suck my balls. Maybe then he'll get impeached.]
[Wow, I got through to D*land!]
[How I spend my time.]
[urg, another poem.]
[The mime...and Toothy was in a bodycast, and, and....]
[Barren land]
[See previous entry.]
[It was really fun.]
[Thank Chris for this one.]
[This would make a decent song.]
[Poetic license a little?]
[Summing it up in Seussian style]
[I am really bored.]
[Better update later.]
[(look at the design templates)]
[Get it? Flamingos?]
[Oh, for Christ's sake!!!]
[That's just sad.]
[Lotsa quotes, yo.]
[Dreaming again]
[Believe me.]
["the lab's... where you sniff the petri dishes." --Moo]
[Arr, mateys!!!]
[I absolutely have to add more later.]
[This week in the Pervert Times...]
[Barbie ads]
[I'd rather buy Jeff, but buying Jef'd really piss off Miss Fugly Betty Paige...^_^]
[No names, no numbers, nothing at all.]
[Benadryl+TV+the internet=this]
[birthday party!!!!]
[Crap movies]
[Ms. Fix-it]
[Jesus Bin Laden]
[Evening plans]
[Don't know where that came from]
[Advanced cheeziness]
[Blissfully ignorant. (keep fundies in a cave somewhere)]
[This one's fine with a title.]
[Different life]
[unless I've got a clear thought]
[Bible code crap]
[Sick today, too.]
[Confused a little?]
[between 4:30 and 6.]
[Bleeding tears while the fire 8 my suol.]
[Guys just don't get that most sports are rather boring.]
[Heather talking about.....well, you'll see.]
[She's going to hurt me now.]
[I don't think I've mentioned this before...]
[Sick, sweaty, and miserable.]
[I'm not trying to be poignant.]
[Rammsten and Alice in Chains]
[Wiping one's ass.]
[20-point drop.]
[Never thought there was so much to think about about asscracks.]
[Interview with the guy with the perceptions]
[Red haired brother.]
[Up with the chickens]
[Used self-esteem salesmen]
[Someone, come save me now.]
[woot, woot]
[Mr. No Mates]
[Rather boorish, too.]
[I'm really, really sorry.]
[Tabasco and bean dip]

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