[Popularity contest]
[They still called Russia, "the Soviet Union" #_#]
[Balless little bitch]
[The forbidden entry.]
[Test dummies]
[Yesterday car ride]
[Ooh, three for 30. Yay.]
[another daily-type entry.]
[Capitalistmas happenings]
[Santa is a lecher and I growled at him.]
[3-chord song]
[Dinner at 2:30 PM.]
[I'm glad I'm not tall and skinny.]
[*big grin*]
[I should stop writing now.]
[That scared me]
[Uh...that was quick.]
[conversation with self]
[Two Towers]
[everything about the music?]
[Kind of sad, actually.]
[Thoughts of the day]
[More Finals, Less Adventure]
[Fudd Porn]
[Final Exam Day. Fun.]
[Gleb has something to tell us]
[Bananas and Blow]
[XM radio]
[Houston Press]
[How do you get "X" out of "Christ"?]
[Hm... definitely remarkable, at least.]
[Uh huh.]
[Jounalism is spinning in its grave.]
[Moo CDs]
[lunch and horse intestines]
[Profound thoughts replaced by exhaustion and a whanging headache.]
[Freecheeseman is Cortelyou, by the way.]
[Scant few]
[Frighteningly Benign]
[Haiku by a Gaijin (haha, I also like the word Gaijin)]
[Ooh, good song]
[ginchy grinchy]
[Photos and beanie babies]
[Psycho Greenway?]
[Black Eyed is a Placebo song.]
[I compelled her to.]
[From a funny song my mom told me to stay up late and listen to.]
[I will pay you money if you can come up with something stranger.]
[I need to go sew some pockets onto my jacket]
[That, I am. And not just chicks, yo.]
[John, don't try and autopsy me]
[And how!]
[Today's Big Funfunfun List of Quotes]
[CA meeting]
[Disembodied Deer]
[This strikes me as funny]
[Gender misplacement]
[Do not hit the small girl, small girl's mother!]
[Conversation with Larry]
[Cameras+girls with spiked boots=bad (I think...)]
[Library hijinks. And lunchtime hijinks (sorry, I just like the word "hijinks". Hashish is a cool word, too.)]
[People who I associate in my head very closely to certain songs]
[ass turtle]
[Anyone want to buy a painting?]
[Third friday]
[Yenny and Yingle Bells.]
[Constantly moving]
[totally random zenmonkeys]
[Loose in a library forewarning]
[Depressing and amusing]
[Second entry in a row mentioning Eminem. Strange world we live in, eh?]
[Friday Night with Samsa and 50 bucks]
[Thoughts of the day]
[ghosts, clairvoyance, and crushes]
[The Ring]
[A full night]
[Hollow Weenie]
[Early dismissal, Jim, and GSA]
[Well, just great.]
[More stream-of-thought.]
[Conversation with Joey]
[Scumfuck tele"journalists"]
[Morbid, a little?]
[Bill the Stick Figure]
[A successful night]
[Bob dream]
[Brien is finally back!!! And he thinks I'm sexy!]
[Psycho old man]
[Unruly Zoom, Singular Moth, Pretzel Obscenities.]
[Black pea-coat]
[Long-ass legs and Tid.]
[We don't need no (physical) education!]
[If only I could find the link!]
["Please forgive me I'm just a man who's made mistakes"]
[hellian webster]
[Burn, baby, burn!]
[Aging gay men]
[what did you think I was talking about?]
[I'm a dirty, dirty bastard. Creative, though.]
[Dedicated to...?]
["What is it with you and cucumbers?"]
[+ outlook]
["Het porn is scary"]
[America's original Swiss rolls]
[Underground music]
[Silkworms are funny-lookin'.]
[X-Japan and another set-up]
[non sequitur]
[A piece of paper that got circulated about the bus today]
[It was fucken' HILARIOUS!!]
[I once heard Eric singing that he was turning Japanese.]
[Random website and pisswater]
[Superman thoughts]
[Unhealthful levels of Midwestern crap]
[Poor Tom]
[Do tell]
[Chain latch]
[Three very different but very sad girls]
[Progressions and changes and deadbolts]
[Proud of myself (no, that's not a sin, believe it or not)]
[Chixie Dicks]
["Brie! Guess what! I just got laid!"]
[Heretic french fries]
[old notebooks are fun]
[que custar� para comprar sua alma do inferno?]
[Cock should mean rooster in stories like that.]
[School woes]
[what happened today]
[Excerpt from an e-mail to my mom]
[Will I be at the bachelor party, then?]
[I want chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.]
[he actually looked okay in the skirt]
[Wooden fences]
[introspective mood]
[Phineas and Gene are about the most homosexual names ever.]
[Attack of the Brians!!!]
[So I'm officially the horny one?]
[WAIS fucking sucks]
[Guess where I got touched by an angel?]
[Gone mad.]
[soul on fire and eyes and lungs burning down]
[Thinking of a next part...]
[I is a fish now!]
[Raped by Big Bird]
["The only thing worse than a dragon: Americans!"]
[I have an interesting little tune to go with this, too.]
[Bob dream]
[As viable an option as anhy other....]
[On pins and needles]
[Another poll]
[Cheech's first Christmas]
[Disclaimer (aka "if you don't like it, fuck off")]
[Poetry in motion]
[Resale shops]
["Can I have the straightest guy in the room? No, no, you won't do."]
[The fairies go to Heaven at midnight]
[Naked layout]
[I can't wait.]
[Two more years...]
[Rather mean british mailer demon]
[Two headed great dane]
[What does my hair have that yours doesn't, Mrs. Anderson!?]
[Tool and Hanson]
[Bamboo stick]
[Aerosol Cheese and Mary Jane]
[Eesh, bored and friendless, what a day.]
[TooL Concert]
[I can't take your shit.]
[Converting everyone to a nation of freaks like me]
[Creepiest dream ever.]
[Emerald green pen]
[Hobos and singing rent-a-cops]
[open skies]
[Rwandan babies]
[Imaginary talking to an imaginary person. Cheezy ending, I know.]
[Too late to write about the morning]
[All night nothing.]
[Pepsi twist is good out of a plate.]
[What happens while I'm gone]
[Call him Gramps, King of Enigma.]
[Ha! Take that!]
[Really light car]
[The black cat.]
[Peppie naked in the shower]
[Knight of Swords]
[Short newscast.]
[Horns, not ears!]
[Orange Juinebugs. Sorry.]
[Random poem that I didn't bother single-spacing.]
[*Heavy sigh*]
[Short but bitter bitch session]
[Ruby Rabbit]
[Boot licking, futons, and criminal neighbors, oh my!]
[Watercolor and one brush]
[Glasses five miles thick]
[Next time one of my friends stays over, we're stocking up on Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey. And Starbucks' Chocolate Mocha Chip.]
[A few random things]
[It's two AM and I'm all alone in the world...]
[Library bike ride.]
[The little kid's name was Jordan]
[Tokyo, not Toronto]
[Tokyo and Toronto]
[Send me to Japan!!!]
[Gigabyte is hailing me!!!!]
[Hey, a compliment!]
[Boys suck.]
[I smell it all the time.]
[I just don't like it.]
[Gen. Joe's Chopstix]
[Spiked dog collar and bondag pants...]
[Fabian says Asian dudes have tiny dicks. I wonder how he knows this.]
[Kissy, kissy!]
[about the mouth]
[Glitter fixative]
[Simple truth.]
[Tenshi Kurome]
[Mord and Johnny, sittin' in a tree....]
["I'm gettin' down and dirty with my hoe!" --Donalson]
[Miss you]
[Pet peeve about the word lesbian]
[No second chances]
[Just shut the fuck up! I told you, I'm BORED!]
[Girl Scout cookies]
[Sick and tired of]
[*Collapses from stress* *Dies*]
[oyu ve]
[Clay sculpture]
[Stop fucking, cows]
[Too much to ask.]
[And no, I am not a slut.]
[Ack. Too much rhyming.]
[Porn Star]
[Elvira? You mean the vampress with the cleavage and the parking tickets?]
[Can't sleep, clowns will eat me]
[I'll add more to this later]
[National secretion]
[If I were a dude part 2]
[Disturbing loopholes in parental filters]
[Vet bills]
[Server downtime at school]
[Angry poem]
[Jee-zus, PMS?]
[Space Ghost]
[Six square feet]
[Temporary migraine relief]
[One favor]
[A p is a freaking p!!!! >_<]
[El Cuervo]
[Why the hunting of remaining Neanderthals for sport is a good idea]
[It may be because I just had some coffee]
[Short poem]
[Life is gooooooood.]
[In The Navy]
[Musicians, artists, writers, philosophers, thinkers.]
[Quesos frances variosos]
[Sephora didn't even have black liquid eyeliner!!]
[I don't care, he don't care, you're the only one who thinks it means anything.]
[Do not expose to light]
[Random after-gym thoughts]
[TAAS, TEKS, whatever.]
[Little bit of freedom]
[the graveyard]
[Damn right I do.]
[I so totally agree]
[There was an alligator, too.]
[Angel (working title, I'm still tweaking it)]
[IMing while only one party is high...]
[I can't. I've failed you.]
[I give up.]
[Nobody cares.]
[light my fire]
[Random thoughtspan. I'll pay someone to put a guitar riff to that (Be warned, I won't pay you well)]
[I'm not sure I smiled all day before that.]
[I've done this before, haven't I?]
[From 9pm to 4am]
[Why I didn't do my homework]
[Notty notty.]
[Muahahaha! Take that, republican conservatives!]
[I'm beginning to hate TV, too.]
[But all the pretty girls are straight]
[News coverage]
[Alyssa is being a dumbass again.]
[Stupid-ass poem. You don't have to read it.]
[Or at least leaves a mark]
[Let them eat cake!]
[I'm gonna have nightmares.]
[Let's get one thing clear:]
[I have a 40-hour work week and only 1/2 hour lunchbreaks.]
[I am not a charlatan!]
[Shut up, Brie.]
[Oh, I'm so bad!]
[Cute dude]
[I have a LOT of favorite songs.]
[Ain't that the truth?]
[Bitch, bitch, bitch.]
[Anger and fear]
[A week in France]
[Jehova's witnesses are scary, ne?]
[I hate French keyboards, qsdfghjklm]
[Thoughts on divinity.]
[Sense of humor]
[Dark Love Poetry]
[Drama class]
[Oh holy fuck of hell.]
[Apology letter to self]
[Yaoi BDSM]
[Fashion mag]
[Oh well, good stares and bad stares are both good.]
[Central America]
[I promise I'll never say, "It's all good" again.]
[If they don't listen to their loved ones, why would they listen to a tape?]
[Or just die]
[Think I should try and top that by yelling, "Skullfucking!!!"?]
[Damn little bastard.]
[*Makes creepy face*]
[Yo, just don't show that thing to Chicken Man]
[Send me questions, since I get bored.]
[Consciousness theory]
[Experiment in monotony]
[Tell me]
[Yes, I should be writing about the history of psychology right now.]
[Beat me.]
[I guess I won't need to know French, after all.]
[Yes, I know these damn quizzes are dumb, but I'll make it up to you, I swear!!]
[Jumping for joy reminds me of a Collapsis song.]
[I. Hate. Doo.]
[She saw London, she saw France...]
[Boys are essential but girls are lovely]
[Could it be any more simple?]
[Killing time again]
[Quotes from Alyssa]
[Do not eat]
[I don't think you care enough to do that.]
[Diiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee, Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!]
[Random acts of violence]
[My sleep schedule]
[Currently, I'm not particularly pissed off an anyone who reads this thing (that I know of)]
[I wouldn't have slept at all if Doo hadn't made me.]
[Stupid, but it kills time.]
[To Meredith]
[Sundays are not my lucky days, are they?]
[Crappy birthday to me!!!!]
[Sort of like the "One step away from the third rail" on CandyAppleBlack]
[Heather, are you sure you're not a lesbian?]
[Go me!]
[How active my brain is at 6:36 AM.]
[Black Vinyl Religious Fanatic...]
[Slash cocoa.]
[Must... kill... all.... oppreps.]
[Even more lovely irony. I hate the WB, too.]
[Pain of indifference]
[Typing Test]
[I is stoopid.]
[Not the greatest idea, though.]
[To scare people.]
[I have no life.]
[I just thought this amusing.]
[Bubble of random.]
[He just noticied that he's inevidably wrong.]
[Me be eeeeviiil.]
[It's not that big a deal]
[First-person dream.]
[Yes, Master.]
[Ponder it.]
[Basically, Heather's dad's a moron.]
[Too lazy.]
[Third person dreams]
[Inner peace is self-removed.]
[School computers suck]
[Reason number 26 why it's not a good idea to fall asleep listening to music heavily inspired by hallucinogens]
[It isn't mint gum, though.]
[Pathetic Populace]
[This may be against the tech code.]
[Royal Pothead]
[Woah, where did that come from?]
[Da BIRD.]
[Rant on schooling.]
[Why do I even wake up?]
[Bible rantings.]
[Go away so I can listen to the radio.]
[So true.]
[Jee-zus, I'm sane!]
[Why do they do this?]
[worthless little me.]
[1 Year]
[Everything in this entry is a lie.]
[Shut up and go to hell.]

[Cinders [Matches
<#winged?> [Burning [Burned [guestbook [profile [Contact [Hope [Guilds [Hell